Game pitbull for sale with jeep redboy blood line in n.c

Red Nose bloodline.
My boy tom'e. jdb kennels Australian champion blood line red nose Pitts currently 17 weeks old @ 25 kg 10/6/2011 Just a quick video with my own beat, let
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Redboy/jeep/jocko/eli/gator pitbull.
blue pitbull puppies for sale pitbull.
Game pitbull for sale with jeep redboy blood line in n.c
Game pitbull for sale with jeep redboy blood line in n.c
Aklass Kennels | Termite Redboy/Jocko. DomesticSale: eli redboy pitbulls for.
Bullet,Snooty,Rufus,Emmitt, Redboy,Mollybee) Pups - $500 USD Pups hereSIRE: (Bullet/Dawnrest/Rufus/Molly Bee 3xbred Wilders Stoney Jr Heavy Red Dog Blood) DAM Jeep Deutschland

This video was uploaded from an Android phone. Your dog looks like it has skin issues. You should put her on a raw diet.