wow item id database

WoW Item Guide
Wowhead: Makes rainy days go away.
Eine Itemdatenbank mit Volltext- und Linguistischen Suchfunktionen. Als Besonderheit kann man Items in einer Merkliste speichern.
wow item id database
WoW Armory Database | WoW | WoW ItemsItems - World of Warcraft - Wowhead: YOU.
List of all existing items in World of Warcraft. Include JC-only gems: Automatically reforge items for optimal stats

Sigrie is a World of Warcraft database for items, achievements, spells
A World of Warcraft (WoW) database site with items, quests, forums, news, profiles, quest-tracking, a talent calculator, and more. World of Warcraft Database - Sigrie
World of Warcraft - Wikipedia, the free.
Curse - WoW Addons, Minecraft Mods, Curse.